Things You Need to Know For Conducting a Google Ads Audit

When you do a Google Ads audit, to put it simply, you are analysing the effectiveness of your efforts. An audit (done properly) can reveal hidden concerns that need to be addressed. It is feasible to improve the overall performance and health of your account once the problem has been recognised.

Consider employing automated services and solutions that provide algorithmic-based audit findings and grades for your account to make the audit process easier. While this is advantageous, keep in mind that these tools may lack context for your goal outcome, target audience, or marketing tools. This blog discusses Things You Need to Know For Conducting a Google Ads Audit.

Things You Need to Know For Conducting a Google Ads Audit

Take the following procedures to make your audit as efficient as possible:

  • Decide what you’ll look at and why it’s significant.

  • Examine each of your audit’s focus areas and make detailed notes.

  • In your post-audit action plan, provide detailed notes and examples of items that need to be addressed or reviewed.

  • This is not the time to make campaign or account adjustments while completing the audit – unless there is something urgent that has to be addressed right away.

Developing a Successful Google Ads Campaign

If you want to run a successful Google Ads campaign, you’ll need to put in some time and work. If you’re not sure if you can handle the process of auditing your campaigns, or if you just don’t have the time, it’s a smart idea to hire the experts. The proper pros can assist you in ensuring that your Google Ads efforts are up to par and that your PPC efforts are assisting you in achieving the required results. 

Hire a PPC company in Mumbai to help you out with this. The greatest approach to ensure you obtain the results you want is to be well-informed.

The steps below will guide you through doing your own Google Ads account audit.

Examine Your Objectives

The first step of the audit is to evaluate business and account goals to ensure you understand your focus and objectives before going into the Google Ads account. Multiple conversion targets are possible. It’s easier to audit the account objectively after you’ve defined your goals and focus. 

Examine the Account Structure

The correct hierarchy can reduce the amount of time spent managing campaigns while also providing superior data for decision-making. Hire PPC company in Mumbai to help you out with this. 

You can organise your campaigns and ad groups in a variety of ways, depending on what you’re trying to achieve.

Account and Campaign Preferences

Most of the time, you can evaluate your campaign settings quickly and move on. However, you may need to return to these settings in the future to make adjustments depending on your audit assessment and decisions for changes in other areas.

It’s vital to remember that “ad groups = group of ads” rather than “ad groups = group of keywords” at this point.

Those two principles are sometimes misunderstood. We focus too much on keywords and groupings before considering the searcher’s intent and the destination we’re directing them to. You may have the most well-organized keyword groups Google Advertisements has ever seen, but if your ads and landing pages are a last-minute addition, they’ll fail terribly. Ads, landing pages, quality scores, and finally the possibility for performance in terms of getting users to convert must be your primary focus.


Identifying patterns and trends is critical during the audit process.

While you’re doing so, avoid the need to start making changes.

This isn’t the time to start implementing or yelling at the person who managed the account before you. PPC company India can take care of the keywords.

Ads are frequently left unchecked or over-tested in many accounts

Setting the ad rotation to force even rotation forever and ensuring that each ad group has two ad versions — a “A” and a “B” version — is one technique to successfully test advertising.

You can then judge the winner at regular intervals and test a new “B” version.

Even if you use Google’s algorithm to determine the ratio for serving the advertising and use dynamic tools, leaving everything on autopilot is risky.

Landing Pages are a type of web page that is used

Landing pages are not part of Google Ads, yet they have a direct impact on the campaign’s performance and the analytics you see in Google Ads.

Even if landing sites aren’t on your radar while reviewing ad quality ratings, it would be a mistake to ignore them.

The Action Plan and Reporting

You’ll need to keep track of your notes as you move through the audit processes and spend time comparing facts to performance objectives and goals.

Your audit will almost certainly be shared with others, either internally or externally.

As a result, organising your audit into a document or template structure will assist you in developing your action plan as well as sharing your findings with others.

The key to success is to make sure your Google Adwords campaign manager understands your business goals and that you’re tracking the right metrics on your approach to earning ROI. Low-cost Adwords campaigns do not guarantee sales. Be wiser, work together as a team, and take advantage of all the data you can collect to improve your optimization. 

SAVIT Interactive is an Indian SEO firm that first opened its doors in 2004 as an Internet Marketing firm. SAVIT also specialises in building SEO-friendly websites that help clients get top ranks on search engines; more recently, we’ve started building responsive websites that help with search rankings and user experience.

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