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How important
are Search Engines?
Owing to digitalization, search engines have become an essential part of our online lives. To keep up with the ever-changing search landscape, we go on a search engine treasure hunt every day. Whether looking for places to visit or areas to restore the self, whether looking for a restaurant or shopping accessories, the first thing that comes to our mind is checking for the options available on the search engine.
Search engines are the most popular way to find something on the web. Providing a massive amount of information about the web, search engines have certainly grown on the audience as the first option that caters to solutions to queries. We can get answers to almost anything we want to know.
We have witnessed the emergence of several website browsers in place over the last few decades, from Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox to Google Chrome. But then again, most of us have used Google throughout our lives. Starting from Gmail, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and much more, the well-loved Google has always remained popular.
Top Search Engines
In today’s times, we have various search engines in place which offer excellent results.
Though they are region-centric, others are openly accessible to the global audience.
Here, we have compiled a list of the top 10 search engines:

Google is the world's most popular search engine, with a market share of about 70%. Google has become an inevitable part of our everyday lives and has revolutionized how we find information. It is challenging to conclude routine chores without google. Google puts its users first by providing them with relevant results based on their inputted queries. With access to thousands of listings for several questions and queries, google crawls through the sites. It pushes websites higher than others that offer more precise answers but only within specific criteria such as relevance or quality content.
Bing, one of the most preferred and credible search engines, is owned and operated by Microsoft. Bing provides search results, news, sports, entertainment, finance, blogs, and videos from Microsoft's Bing search engine. It also has a social network called So.cl, where people can share information about themselves or their interests with other users on the site. Bing was launched as part of the Windows Live service in 2006 and is based on Yahoo!'s codebase; hence it has a similar interface.

Baidu is the leading and most prestigious search engine in China. It has been ranked by Alexa as the third most popular website for over a year, and it's ranked as the second most popular search engine in Asia behind Google. Baidu is also essential to many other countries worldwide; it's currently available in more than 190 countries with an average of more than 250 million users per day, with some reporting up to 500 million daily.
Yahoo! Search is the default search engine for most Yahoo! properties. It's also available as a standalone search engine that you can use on your website or within other applications such as Gmail and Outlook but not Safari. Yahoo!'s main selling point is its massive user base of over 1 billion people who use Yahoo!, meaning there are plenty of people who are happy to provide feedback about what they're looking for and how they find things. This high volume of users makes attracting advertisers easier, so you'll get more relevant ads when using Yahoo! Search.

Yandex is a Russian search engine that offers more than 100,000 categories and 200 million images. The company's headquarters are in Moscow, but it has offices worldwide. Like Google, Yandex, as a search engine, provides free email services, live traffic maps, multimedia, music, photo storage, etc.
DuckDuckGo is a search engine that provides the utmost security and protects your privacy. It offers excellent results, and it makes searching easy. DuckDuckGo isn't just any search engine; it's the search engine that protects your privacy. It allows users to find answers to their queries and get a hold of what they're looking for without being tracked by third parties or advertisers. This means no more data being collected about you when you use the site and no third parties having access to your personal information either!

YouTube, later purchased by google, is one of the most preferred video-sharing platforms. With over two million active users, the popularity of YouTube as a search engine exceeds other established search engines like Yahoo and Bing on the Internet. A leading search engine that follows google in the list of most preferred options, YouTube is widely accepted for video-related search queries and is used for viewing and streaming video content. It is available in around eighty languages and is accessible on all smart mobile devices.
Founded on 7th December 2009, Ecosia is one of its kind. An environment-friendly search engine, the revenue generated from Ecosia is used to plant trees. The team of Ecosia plants a tree for every 45 searches. It develops its monthly financial reports for its users, ensuring that the revenue generated from their search queries has been used for better purposes. The servers of Ecosia are hosted on 100% renewable energy and do not encourage any third-party trackers for the data or sell it to advertisers.

Aol is an American web portal and one of the earliest pioneers of the Internet, which started in the mid-1990s. A web services provider, AOL offers numerous online services, including internet access and development. AOL also hosts AOL Search, its search engine site, and is known for providing access to the web, multimedia, image, news, and shopping features along with local search results.
Amazon surpassed google regarding products-related search queries from 46% to 54% around 2018. Amazon is a great search engine for products. It offers a wide range of products with different categories and sub-categories. The best thing about amazon is that it allows users to compare prices for the same product across other sellers. Amazon.com is the most popular product search engine, with 75% of searches conducted on the site. This is significantly higher than Google's 62%. This trend has been steadily increasing for the last few years and seems likely to continue to grow.

What are Search Engines?
Search engines are websites that provide search results for information retrieval. As of 2022, there were over 8.5 billion daily searches on Google alone, and it is one of the most popular websites worldwide.
Search engines are a crucial part of the Internet and have changed how people find information by providing more ways to see what they want online than ever before. These are some of the most popular search engines across the globe. The list is short, but it gives you an idea of which one's people use and their ranking in comparison to each other.
We see great opportunities for Google to dominate the market, followed by Yahoo and Bing. Google is a true global leader in search engine technology, giving them an advantage over its competitors. They also know that they are the market leader, they are more willing to make money by drawing people in with advertising, so they offer features that other search engines don't.
However, the list doesn’t end here and has several search engines that work brilliantly and cater to queries with solutions.
Top 50 Search Engine List
Here is a list of the top 50 search engines accessible according to location and device permission.
Google Search Engine | Ask.com Search Engine | Search Encrypt Search Engine | LinkedIn Search Engine | Mojeek Search Engine |
Microsoft Bing Search Engine | Alexa Search Engine | Swiss cows Search Engine | Kidrex Search Engine | TinEye Search Engine |
Yahoo Search Engine | AltaVista Search Engine | Wiki Search Engine | Boardreader Search Engine | Escobedo Search Engine |
Baidu Search Engine | Lycos Search Engine | SlideShare Search Engine | Scribd Search Engine | MetaCrawler Search Engine |
Yandex Search Engine | Netscape Search Engine | Twitter Search Engine | Blog Search Engine | Web crawler Search Engine |
DuckDuck Go Search Engine | Seznam Search Engine | Facebook Search Engine | Wolfram Alpha Search Engine | Infospace Search Engine |
Ecosia Search Engine | Naver Search Engine | Pinterest Search Engine | Crunchbase Search Engine | Smarter Search Engine |
YouTube Search Engine | Sogou Search Engine | Reddit Search Engine | Flickr Search Engine | Google Scholar Search Engine |
AOL Search Engine | Qwant Search Engine | Gigablast Search Engine | Built with Search Engine | Info.com Search Engine |
Amazon Search Engine | Startpage Search Engine | Gibiru Search Engine | Google Scholar Search Engine | Goodsearch Search Engine |