Google Marks Out the Importance of SEO for Smartphone Devices

SEO for Smartphone Devices

Google has brought out the point through a series of remarks that sites which do follow the rules on mobile SEO cannot achieve the high page ranks that they expect. Check your site to find out if it confirms to such rules so that it does not succumb to the problem of low page ranks.

Now that SEO has reached mobile devices, you have to check if the content you offer for mobile devices is up to the mark. Google’s recent statements on mobile SEO reveal that sites that do not give quality user experience on Smartphone devices will be ranked low by the search engine and will not feature in the top ten search rankings.

Here is a look at what you should keep in mind to avoid this when implementing mobile SEO:

Prevent Improper Configuration: Your site must be properly configured for mobile devices. Recently a Google blog post brought out practices that do not reflect good Smartphone user experience. Example of such practices includes redirects from deep links in normal sites to mobile site pages and much more. Avoiding such mistakes will enable your site to be quickly indexed by those searching for the products or services that it is offering and they will engage completely with your site. The post also brought out a warning from Google, which emphasizes on enhancing Smartphone search experience and remove any problems in this arena. Google is going to bring out changes in the near future. These changes will highly ranks only those sites which give enriching search experience to the user.

Responsive Is Better: According to SEO expert Richard Kirk the changes that are going to be implemented by Google for their search algorithm in terms for mobile site experience will give a big benefit to sites having a responsive design than sites that have been created just for mobile devices. The reasons why Google prefers responsive sites is because the indexing process will remain the same irrespective of the screen that is being used. Another reason is that a separate site for mobile devices one have bad redirect problems wherein the user lands up on the wrong page or a page with no content at all. According to Kirk webmasters should check if separate site user experience will give a drastically different experience for mobile users. If not, taking up a responsive design is the ideal option.

Do Not Pressurize Users To Take Up Your Apps: If an application is available, it does not mean you have to make users use it when all that they require is just surfing through the pages of your site. Such an approach has been adopted by sites such as Rotten Tomatoes and New York Daily News, but Google is informing webmasters to check on this. Certain solutions cause indexing problems to happen with while other can create a lot of disruption with visitor’s usage of the site. Instead of distracting uses with such applications, a better alternative is to make use of banners that does not distract the user when reading the requested content.

The ultimate message in Google’s statement is that if a company is not treating its mobile web users as a first-class citizen, the results is that their search engine rankings can come down considerably. According to a comment from Matt Cutts, giving your mobile users a good mobile user experience is more important than what people realize. In the next two or three years, mobile traffic is going to increase over desktop traffic so it is vital not to pay attention on your site’s design elements for mobile users. It is vital to pay attention to it and think of various means of improving it. It is imperative to think about what techniques you have implemented to ensure that your content gets the same treatment on mobile and web.