The Importance of Google+ and Local Google for SEO

importance of googleplus and local google According to Hubspot about 50% of businesses that make use of local SEO state that Google+ is an important element in their internet marketing strategy. The Hubspot report further stated that about 15% of such businesses attracted one new customer, at least in 2012 by doing this. In Furthermore, Google has revamped its local search engine components in such a way that both Google+ and Google Local seamlessly function together.

Now, it is vital that small businesses make use of these two mediums and make them coordinate with one another to improve their local search engine rankings. Now, the question arises on how to go about doing this! The following post is gives information about this.

Improve Local Search Ranking by Using Google+

1. Google+ Local Page Registering

Till now, there were only two choices available for local SEO in Google. You have to start a regular Google+ page else a Google Local page. This feature has left no room to differentiate a personal page from a business page. This has now changed because it is possible to register for a local page, which also gives you the opportunity to get higher page rank on search results.

The advent of Google+ Local has brought out the information that these new local pages can be indexed on Google. A point that has to be noted here is that Google+ and Google Local will not change any organic search rankings, but give more details about your business to Google users.

2. Making Use of the Power of Google Plus

googleplus and seo Google + is very powerful marketing tool. It is free and it also enables you to access a lot of resources that can boost your local search marketing campaign. Secondly, Google+ with Google Local platform enhances your rankings by increasing capacity to enhance brand awareness. You can intensively customize your marketing messages using the Google Plus segmentation tool. This will enable you to create marketing messages that are directed to specific groups, it is the new social media quality that Google Plus has initialed.
How to Optimize Your Site for Local SEO

1. Do the Investigation

The first step towards site optimization with Local SEO is doing research and development. As part of this process, you need to find out how people will be searching for the product or service that your company is offering. You can find out by making some test queries to find results in search results. The testing can be done effectively using Google’s AdWords keyword research tool.

2. Site Optimization for Local Search

You can implement Google Analytics in order to monitor searches related to your business. According to SEO, it is best to allow Google Analytics to work on your site for about two to three weeks time, before implementing any local SEO strategies. After this you should look into other key aspects that will make traffic arrive at your site such as site compatibility with various browsers, optimize meta descriptions, add local information and much more.

3. Keep Checking

The environment in SEO is always changing so being aware of the latest trends and checking if your site conforms to it is of key importance. What is a hard and fast rule now may not be so in six months time. This is because Google is always improvising on its search engine algorithm so that users can engage with it more innovatively. Hence you must also keep a track of your site and digital brand but also keep abreast of the local search world and how it is growing.